Don’t Get Left Out in the Cold – Winter Isn’t Over Yet!


There is nothing quite like snow in New England. The landscape is powdered with flurries of snow and for a moment you can embrace the winter wonderland around you. Even though the snow provides a picturesque scenery, we come to grow tired of it fast because of all the chores that come with it!  If you live in New England, you know how unpredictable our weather patterns are. This means you must be ready at any given time, because you never know when a storm might hit.

We want to help you rest easy. You will be more relaxed if you know you have prepared your property to lessen the chance of winter storm damage. Snow can pile up and freeze on top of roofs. This adds extra weight to the roof and can potentially cause a collapse if it gets too heavy. If snow does pile up on your roof, you may experience wet spots and moisture on the ceiling and walls which can then turn in to mold over time if not properly maintained. If you are not able to safely remove the snow yourselves, consider hiring someone to do it for you.  Ice dams were the top claim of 2015, clearing the snow just from the edge of your roof can help prevent ice dams. Ensuring that your heating system is well maintained and in good working order is also important. You should keep your home around 50 degrees to prevent your pipes from freezing.

The winter weather will not only affect your home but it will also put wear and tear on your vehicles as well. Engine oil can thicken due to the cold temperatures, which makes it more difficult for the battery to turn on when starting the car. When the New England temperature fluctuates dramatically, as it so often does, so will the pressure in your tires. It is important to check your tires regularly to make sure they are inflated to the manufacturer’s specifications. These can often be found on the driver’s side door. Slippery roads also pose a threat to you and your vehicle, so always stay alert when driving in cold temperatures. Snow tires are a smart investment and highly recommended if you do not have all wheel drive. Perhaps the most common wear and tear experienced during this time of year is due to the salted roads and the corrosion that it can cause to our vehicles. After a big storm, you can expect your car to pick up a lot of salt off the road and this can seriously degrade the body of your vehicle. This is why it’s so important to get your vehicle washed at the soonest opportunity.

Make sure you are prepared to handle all the obstacles this season may throw at you.  Don’t let the winter weather bring you down! 


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